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A Virtual Assistant community built by VAs for VAs

Working as a VA business owner can sometimes be a tough gig. 

Lonely, confusing and no one to bounce your ideas off or share the horror stories of your week with. 

The VA Lounge provides an environment for you to connect with others in a very relaxed and open way. 

Whether it is at our lively Coffee Club catch-ups or in one of our Skill Sessions, it is an opportunity to make real relationships with real people. You know those relationships that help you grow as an individual but also can boost your business.

What on earth is The VA Lounge?

In short it is an online community group with weekly chats on Zoom, a monthly training hour on a specific topic, a place for you to look and advertise work, and somewhere for you to grow your network of VAs.

Tuesdays at 12pm is, of course, our wonderful main COFFEE CLUB event. The Coffee Club is where you can take a break from your work, meet other members and get support. Building a VA network will strengthen your business by providing new opportunities to collaborate and learn from each other. 

Visit one of our monthly SKILLS SESSIONS. Skills Sessions are where we share our skills, either led by one of The VA Lounge team, outside speakers or other members from the community. We showcase and share tips and tricks to benefit you and your business. If you can’t make the Live Skills Session then don’t worry, you’ll have access to all the recordings in the Skills Hub. 

Our WEEKLY NEWSLETTER lets you know all the internal news, industry highlights and trends, with the opportunity to contribute as a writer and showcase your skills and business. 

Our COMMUNITY PLATFORM is just that! A group led by The VA Lounge community. Somewhere to ask questions if you can’t make Coffee Club. Somewhere to advertise work, a place for humour, to let off steam and to support each other.  We've just launched our very own platform, exclusively for VA Lounge members

Hey, I'm Hayley, Founder of The VA Lounge

I created The VA Lounge as I was pining for those work colleagues and didn’t quite find what I was looking for in other networking groups. I needed that face to face - even if it was through a video screen. 

I have been a VA since 2019, I am still actively working as a VA and know what it is like to have the fear of starting with a new client, the voices of doubt in the head, the drive to grow and, more importantly, the ambition to build my VA business my way, staying true to my values and what is important to me. 

We, together, have built a fun, relaxed, a bit bonkers at times, true and authentic community, and I would love to have you join us in the safe, open, friendly space that has been created. 

When I say we, it’s because it is not just me. It is a community led group and headed up by myself and the fabulous Community Lead, Yolanda Earl - my own personal wing woman in life, a VA who I met through The VA Lounge and built a relationship with! 

If you are looking for a place to come together, to support, to up skill, to collaborate, then The VA Lounge is for you, and I would love to see you there.
Why choose The VA Lounge?

The VA Lounge might not be for you. It might not be the right vibe for what you are looking for, but it is a fun tribe of laid back, honest VA business owners, supporting and cheerleading each other on. 

During the past 12 months, over £12000 worth of business has been passed between the community and true bonds have been made. Hudson Admin Support has grown as a business because we have found the majority of our Associates through The VA Lounge and because of the bonds we have made with them. 

Think about all those BIG networking meetings you get invited to, you know the ones that cost an absolute fortune to join AND you pay a monthly fee to. The VA Lounge creates exactly the same network and solutions for you in your business without the formalities, without the hefty price tag, supports the industry you are in and has a load more training and assistance.

A monthly membership of £35 a month

Membership includes

Weekly Coffee Club

Monthly Skills Session, with access to the Skills Hub


Access to The VA Lounge Community Platform

WEEKLY Co working to keep you accountable

And a whole lot of support, opportunities and camaraderie!

Why should VAs come to The VA Lounge?
We'll let some VAs that have been part of the community tell you!
Rhian Hopkins
Rhian Virtual Assistant

The VA lounge is a safe space where I fit in and have a coffee within a team of friends that all work remotely and we come together as a collaborative group to laugh, discuss, ask questions and chit chat about stuff - you don't get that when you are sat at home in the office working remotely.

Shirley Henderson
Uppercase VA

It can be lonely in the Work From Home arena. It has been wonderful getting to know the tribe over the past couple of years, especially Hayley and Yolanda, and the generosity of their welcome, their time and knowledge has been evident along the way.

Anastasia Bligh
Anastasia Bligh VA

The VA Lounge is such a supportive group of people, you can join to connect with other VA's either just for a chat or to ask questions. It has given me the confidence to start my own VA business and the reassurance of having others to ask if I am not sure of something relating to my business.

What happens after I purchase?

After your purchase you will receive an email (check your spam!) thanking you for your purchase and also an invite to spread The VA Lounge word! 

On the email will also be your invite to join The VA Lounge Community Group, you'll get a copy of our Newsletter with the all important information and dates to join Coffee Club and the Skills Sessions. You will also receive information on how to login to the Skills Hub.

After that it is up to you to get involved as much as possible! 

Throughout the month you will receive reminders of events via email and have the opportunity to submit written pieces for the Newsletter, and also your details for the Associates Board if you are looking for work.

What is it going to cost me?

A monthly membership of £35

Membership includes

Weekly Coffee Club

Monthly Skills Session, with access to the Skills Hub


Weekly Co working

Access to The VA Lounge Community Platform

What about cancelling? You can cancel your membership at any time. However, we do not offer a refund or part year refund after 14 days from purchase.

So if you are looking for a fun tribe of VAs to boost, support and grow your business, join The VA Lounge now.

I want to be part of The VA Lounge Community 

Billing address

*Please note that your membership may be subject to VAT when renewing your membership

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


The VA Lounge Membership£35

  • Today's payment
  • The VA Lounge Membership£35
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  • £35

All prices in GBP